Manila Knotted Escape Ropes
Manila Knotted Escape Ropes in various sizes. Sizes include: 1 1/4” with knots 3’ apart, 1 1/4” with knots 5’ apart
- 1 1/4" with knots 3’ apart
- 1 1/4" with knots 5’ apart
- 1”, with knots 2’ apart

Poly Propylene Knotted Escape Ropes
Poly Propylene Knotted Escape Ropes in various sizes. Sizes include: 1 1/2" with knots 5’ apart, 1 1/2" with knots 2’ apart, 1 1/4" with knots 5’ apart, 1” with knots 2’ apart, 1/4" with knots 3’ apart.
1 lb. per foot. Options:
- 1 1/2" with knots 5’ apart
- 1 1/2" with knots 2’ apart
- 1 1/4" with knots 5’ apart
- 1 1/4” with knots 3’ apart