Billy Pugh

Tag Lines



Push/Pull Tag Line

BPC’s new Push/Pull Tag Line keeps your hands off the load. This custom tag line has a 4 ft rigid section to push or pull the load for “hands off” lifting. We have designed this product to be UV resistant and have no knots or raised surfaces, thus making it resistant to catching on pinch points or wrapping around objects. All of these features were designed with your employees’ safety in mind. (Patent Pending)


Tag Lines, 5101 XA

Tag Lines, 5101 XA

Using a regular rope of poly, nylon or sisal has some inherent problems when used as tag lines.?

1. They tend to wrap around objects 2. They get caught in pinch points 3. The bottoms fray and are then knotted to stop the fraying. This REALLY causes the line to catch. 4. They get slick when worn, wet or dirty with grease. The Billy Pugh Co. tag line is much different. It is specifically designed for the application. BPC tag lines are tangle resistant. The center rope is wrapped with an outer layer of smaller diameter rope. This resists the tag line turning on itself and wrapping around objects or people. BPC tag lines are designed not to catch on pinch points. There are no knots or raised surfaces. BPC tag lines are tough. They are dipped in polyurethane for resistance to UV and it also toughens the rope BPC tag lines horizontal wraps give a better gripping (non-slip) surface for rig hands- especially when the rope gets wet, dirty and or greasy.

How they are made:

BPC tag lines are prepared with a stainless steel thimble and eye splice in one end. The entire polydacron rope (including the coils) is dipped in liquid polyurethane which saturates the rope sets the knots and the eye splice. This produces a chafing and weather resistant tag line specifically designed for the job.

  • PTL-1 1 ¼”, dipped, wrapped, ss eye on one end, specify length, will not accommodate carabineer
  • STL-2 1 ¼”, dipped, wrapped, soft sleeved, eye carabineer, specify length
  • STL-3 1 ¼”, dipped, wrapped, soft sleeved, eye, no carabineer, no ss thimble, specify length
  • CTL-1 5/8”, no dip, no wrapping, ss eye on one end, will not accommodate carabineer
  • CTL-2 5/8”, no dip, no wrapping, soft sleeved, eye, with carabineer



Steel Carabiner Self-Locking gate with captive bar 3600 lbs gate strength

Steel Carabiner for Tag Line.

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We are open to discussion on the way you might like to structure the deal, payment plans or what you might have in mind.

To talk to us about your requirements now, please contact:

Naing Win
General Manager
+65 6505-9200

Alternatively, just fill up our Enquiry Form on the right and we will be in touch with you by the next working day.