Lewis Fall Arrest Harnesses:
The tail enables the user to easily attach and remove his life line. Shoulder pads are constructed of high grade padding that will considerably improve the comfort of the harness. These pads are removable and washable. Replacement pads can be ordered and installed in the field by the customer.
The FAH-3Y fall arrest harness is now constructed of “high-visibility” yellow nylon webbing and has “rappelling-style leg straps. It has three D-rings for all drilling rig jobs. The top shoulder level D-ring is for the shock absorption device, while the back D-ring at waist level provides an anchor point for leverage. The D-ring up front provides a point to hook in to, while climbing the rig.
The FAH-3Y-2 is a true “Five Point Harness”. All the D-rings required for even the most demanding oilfield jobs. Call for further details.
The FAH-3Y-2-MB is a true “Five Point Harness” with a removable belly band. All the D-rings required for even the most demanding oilfield jobs. Call for further details.
The FAH-3Y W/T has rear D-rings at waist-level and shoulder-level with an 11” tail on either one for easier access which provides a well placed leverage point while working high on a rig.
Lewis Derrick Belts:
Lewis Derrick Belts are constructed of the best grade woven webbing material that will outwear other materials, yet is easy to clean and stays pliable under changing climactic conditions. All stitches are sewn with heavy-duty Dacron thread. Copper rivets are placed at all stress points for reinforcement. Lewis Snap-on type derrick belts provide two ways of release, through the snap at front or waist, adjusting buckle at the side. Strap adjustments may be made without removing belt. All Lewis belts are of extra strong construction, adjusting holes are fitted with brass eyelets and all types of belts are equipped with drop forged steel fittings. Lewis Derrick Belts are drop tested and steel fittings are proof load tested from 2,000 to 5,000 pounds by independent testing laboratories to check the webbing and construction. Certified results prove that they meet the most exacting specifications of safety engineers.
Oilfield Climbing Belt to be used with counterweight and pulley for climbing derricks.
Lewis Snap-on Combination Monkey Board and Derrick Belt – Type MS.
Also available in buckle-on model – type MB
The FAH MS & FAH MB belts are furnished with leg straps, and shoulder straps. These belts have the dual D-Ring system utilized for working the racking platform. These belts also come equipped with a D-Ring situated high between the shoulders for a lifeline or deceleration device. The derrick worker is able to use these belts when working the racking platform.
Lewis Heavy-Duty Snake Grips:
The Lewis Snake Grip expands or contracts to grip different or identical cable and/or rope sizes as per the customer’s needs. Save time stringing up, changing and unstringing because the snake requires no special tools. The swivel and swing link go smoothly through blocks and prevent line twisting. Install new cable by using old existing cable as pulling line. Always seize the ends of the grips by banding or taping.
The LSG-X series performs the same function as the standard LSG series. The LSG-X cannot be taken apart in the middle; it is permanently attached via our new “Swivel Tube” Assembly. This swivel tube assembly is a low profile heavy-duty friction swivel. This snake is for the customer who does not need to separate the two pulling grip elements and who prefers a very low profile swivel. The swivel is permanently greased and has the size range and working load clearly stenciled on the swivel tube assembly
Download Lewis Manufacturing Company Catalog for more details, other products and specifications.