OCTG - Coupling for Casing & Tubing

Couplings are short lengths of pipe used to connect 2 joints of tubing or casing.

They come with painted colour codes on their external surface to indicate their grades.

Couplings are manufactured according to API 5CT and 5B specifications.

API Tubing Coupling:
Size (Pipe OD) (in) 1.900, 2-3/8, 2-7/8, 3-1/2, 4, 4-1/2

Non Upset

External Upset

Grade J-55, C-75, L-80, N-80, C-95, P-110

Electro-zinc plated


API Casing Coupling:
Size (Pipe OD) (in) 4-1/2, 5, 5-1/2, 6-5/8, 7, 7-5/8, 8-5/8, 9-5/8, 10-3/4, 11-3/4, 13-3/8, 16, 18-5/8, 20

Short Round-Thread Casing (STC)

Long Round-Thread Casing (LC)

Buttress Thread Casing (BC)

Grade H-40, J-55, K-55, C-75, L-80, N-80, C-95, AS-95, P-110, L80-13CR


Please fill in as many fields as you can in the form below for your enquiry. If you’re unsure, then please leave blank. For multiple product enquiries, please email or call us directly.
Contact Details
* *
Specifications of Coupling Required


We are open to discussion on the way you might like to structure the deal, payment plans or what you might have in mind.

To talk to us about your requirements now, please contact:

Doreen Ong
General Manager
+65 6505-9206

Alternatively, just fill up our Enquiry Form on the right and we will be in touch with you by the next working day.